Thursday, December 20, 2007

Grammy's gift

The other personal gift I worked on this season was for Daniel's Grammy. A super Fun exploding photo box. I had so much fun making this one and trying it out!!!! I wish we could be there to see her open it.

Here's a link to a tutorial if you'd like to try to make one too:

And here is the one I made for Sheila, along with the little ornament Daniel and I put together as well, which I put inside the exploding box. The box itself has photos of her grand kids plus sweet Grammy quotes.

My fun Christmas projects

Maybe I should have called my blog Crafty tales! I usually just stick to scrapbooking, but lately I've been itching to try soem new things.

Most Christmases I love to make homemade personal gifts. This year I had three major projects. That is major for me. First I made some cute tote bags for my Nieces Steph and Zee. They are polar opposites. One loves black the other pink. The totes came out pretty cute, but darn it all I forgot to take a pic- I guess you will have to take my word for it. Steph and Zee are teens, so I can only imagine what they will they will think...

I also made my very first mini book. I was so nervous making it. It was for Daniel's very special and Favorite friend Julia and her family.

In making the book I stuck to my tried and true fave Basic Grey for the pps. I think that was a good choice for my first- you can't go wrong with Basic Grey. It was so fun and I can hardly wait to make anther one. The next is for Daniel.

The one thing I learned making this first book is that it is much better to adhere the paper to the chipboard first and then cut around it. I started out doing just the opposite and those pages are not nearly as crisp.